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Ivanka Trump @ GES: Women Should Make Best Use Of Technology To Empower Themselves

Ivanka Trump @ GES: Women Should Make Best Use Of Technology To Empower Themselves

(Online Desk)

Advisor and first daughter of the US President Donald Trump at GES 2017 said, “Technology is a great driver of #entrepreneurship because it emboldens #women to start their own businesses, reduces barriers to starting new businesses, and creates flexibility for the modern working family.”

In the very same panel, Karen Quintos, Chief Customer Officer with Dell,”Women must be confident in themselves and their capabilities. Advises women to “stay the course” when things get difficult on their road to success” while discussing women entrepreneurship at the summit.

On the second day of the Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2017 in Hyderabad, Ivanka Trump highlights the major theme of the importance of mentorship and guidance of new entrepreneurs, especially for women.

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