New Delhi, Aiming to address the issue of storage of food grains, the Food Corporation of India (FCI) plans to construct modern steel silos, with 111.125 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) capacity, at 249 locations spread across 12 states under the Hub and Spoke model.
To be set up under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) route with an investment of Rs 9,236 crore, these silos would be constructed in three phases over next three-four years, sources aware of the development said.
In the first phase, silos of 34.875 LMT capacity at 80 locations would be constructed by the FCI. Out of this, 10.125 LMT at 14 locations would be under the develop build operate and transfer (DBFOT) mode and 24.75 LMT at 66 locations would be under the develop build own and operate (DBFOO) mode.
The tender under DBFOO mode would be opened on October 31 while the tender for DBFOT mode had opened on August 10.
One project has already been awarded to a developer and for other projects, the process is underway.
These modern silos with bulk handling facilities would be a scientific way of storage of foodgrains and ensure their better preservation.