Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir government on Saturday issued a notification including 15 more castes that would now benefit through the 4 per cent reservation in jobs etc for socially backward classes.
As per the notification, 15 more castes have been included in the list of socially backward castes in Jammu and Kashmir.
The now included social castes are Waghey (Chopan), Ghirath/Bhati/Chang community, Jat community, Saini community, Markabans/PonyWalas, Sochi community, Christian Biradari (converted from Hindu Valmiki), Sunar/Swarankar Teeli (Hindu Teeli along with already existing Muslim Teli), Perna/Kouro(Kaurav), Bojru/Decount/Dubdabay Brahmin Gorkans , Gorkhas, West Pakistani refugees (excluding SCs) and Acharyasa.
Certain modifications have also been made in the existing social castes by subsisting their names.
According to the notification, potters (Kumahars), shoe repairers (working without the aid of machines), Bangies Khakrobes(Sweepers), barbers, washerman and Dooms have been respectively replaced by Kumahars, Mochi, Bangies Khakrobes, Hajjam Atrai, Dhobi, and Dooms (excluding SCs).
The social caste list has been redrawn on the recommendations of the Jammu and Kashmir Socially and Educationally Backward Classes Commission which was constituted by J&K Government in 2020. Former High Court Judge, G. D Sharma heads the three-member panel.
The other significant change made in the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Rules is that the words "Pahari Speaking people (PSP)" have been subsisted with 'Pahari Ethnic people'.